Project Profile

From Defense Factory to Arts Village- Avenel, NJ

Abandoned since 2000, the site was formerly the General Dynamics Electric Boat facility. New plans called for the development of residential housing, a 25,000 sq.ft. retail strip, and a 10,000 sq. ft. performing arts venue.

Regulatory Authority
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) – ISRA

Identified Contaminants
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Various Heavy Metals
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Remediation Strategy
Groundwater Pump and Treat (Air Stripping & Activated Carbon Filtration)
Soil Excavation & Disposal

Site Services

  • Preliminary Assessment / Site Investigation (PA/SI)
  • Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
  • Contaminant Identification and Delineation
  • Remediation Workplan Development
  • Remedial Action Report
  • Regulatory Negotiation
  • Permitting & Compliance Reporting
  • Remedial System Design, Deployment & Management
  • Community Engagement Management

“A great company led by an outstanding leader. Irv and ESI are at the top of the industry.”

Edward Mlotkiewicz
Retired Chief Industrial Engineer/Operations Manager)/Senior Engineer
General Dynamics/Electric Boat Company

Site History

The General Dynamic Plant in Avenel, New Jersey housed the company’s Electro Dynamic and Electric Boat operations. Primarily a defense contractor, employees of the Avenel pant manufactured products and machines for governmental maritime, aviation and automotive needs. Additionally, private customers were served, with unique metal fabrications completed to order for various industries. 

Spread across 27 acres, the operations of General Dynamic’s Avenel plant were diverse. Requiring specialized labor, like machinists, millwrights, welders, assemblers and metal fabricators, employees of General Dynamics manufactured some of the most critical pieces of military equipment found on vessels and aircraft. Churning out large motors, generators, and electrical ship control components, competency and skill was necessary. For decades, General Dynamic’s equipment could be found in naval warships and nuclear submarines, as well as various military aircraft and jets.

Community Engagement

Over a two-year period, 8 public meetings were held. Many of the meetings focused on making the case for a residential development, despite the extensive environmental cleanup required to bring the site up to “residential standards”.

Project Details

Based on the intended sale and adaptive reuse of the property, the site was being regulated under the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA). Past onsite operations included the manufacturing of steel office furnishings and the manufacturing of electric motors for the defense industry. ESI performed a preliminary assessment/site investigation (PA/SI) of the property and quickly identified over 40 Areas of Concern (AOCs). We also conducted investigations, including soil cores and groundwater wells to delineate both soil and groundwater impacts and additional investigations to address vapor intrusion at over two dozen residential properties in the surrounding residential neighborhood.    

Based on the results of the investigations, over 6,500 tons of contaminated soil was excavated and safely disposed of. Due to constraints related to maintaining the integrity of the onsite buildings, removal of all soil contamination was not possible. Soil contamination remaining on site will be Deed Noticed once all other ISRA activities have been completed. In addition, over 2,000 tons of impacted soil was removed from a public park and a residential property adjacent to the site. The impacts at the park and residential property were due to the site’s historic operations. The establishment of a Deed Notice was not an option for the park as dictated by the Township.

Previous operations had also impacted the groundwater beneath the site and a limited area offsite. The results of ESI’s groundwater model indicate that two fully penetrating recovery wells and a shallow horizontal recovery well would effectively remove the contamination and prevent further contaminant migration. The treatment system consisted of a shallow tray air stripper followed by activated carbon polishing. Treated groundwater was discharged under a NJDEP NJPDES permit. This system has proven successful in reducing contaminant concentrations by several orders of magnitude. 

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781 Route 15 South, 2nd Floor
Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849
973 398-8183

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